13 oct. 2011

Ponton de pêche à L’île Madame

Being in Charente-Maritime (West coast of France), we went on  a fishing house. Here is some photos taken while we were waiting the ocean goes down for finally leave after 8 hours on this house!

De passage en Charente-Maritime, nous sommes allés à bord d'un ponton de pêche, Voici quelques photos prises en attendant que la mer redescende pour pouvoir partir.

EXIF : Canon EOS 550D/T2i + EF 24-105mm L IS USM | 24mm | 30s | f/4 | ISO 400

EXIF : Canon EOS 550D/T2i + EF 24-105mm L IS USM | 24mm | 1/30s | f/4 | ISO 125

6 oct. 2011

Marché de Rochefort sur Mer

Here is a little tour of Rochefort's street market on a Saturday morning. Rochefort is a city with a population of 26 000 people. It's situated in Charente-Maritime on the west coast of France. This is where I grew up.

Voila un petit tour au marché de Rochefort un samedi matin. Rochefort est une ville de 26 000 habitants. C'est situé en Charente-Maritime.  Là ou j'ai grandi.

EXIF : Canon EOS 550D/T2i + EF 24-105mm L IS USM | 105mm | 1/1300s | f/4 | ISO 100

EXIF : Canon EOS 550D/T2i + EF 24-105mm L IS USM | 95mm | 1/125s | f/4 | ISO 160

EXIF : Canon EOS 550D/T2i + EF 24-105mm L IS USM | 105mm | 1/200s | f/8 | ISO 2000

EXIF : Canon EOS 550D/T2i + EF 24-105mm L IS USM | 105mm | 1/160s | f/11 | ISO 800

Around Hôtel de Ville

Those two pictures were taken around Hôtel de Ville, Paris.

Voila deux photos prises près de l'Hôtel de Ville à Paris.

EXIF : Canon EOS 550D/T2i + EF-S 18-55mm IS | 29mm | 3.2s | f/4.5 | ISO 100

EXIF : Canon EOS 550D/T2i + EF-S 18-55mm IS | 18mm | 8s | f/5.6 | ISO 100